From overstuffed closets to preparation for an estate sale, moving in or moving out, or just spring cleaning... And everything in between. I am here to help.
No gimmicky methods. No dramatic parting with sentimental items in order to make things fit better. No stuffing your things in secret storage boxes you will never open just to get things out of your way. I offer real solutions and a stylish execution.
And don't forget the kids! I am not going to guarantee you will never do the "fire walk" over a carpet littered with legos, or trip over a misplaced toy left in the kitchen. This process is not about making a pristine space in which no one can relax for fear of messing it up. It is quite the opposite. What better way to enjoy your space and truly unwind, than with a environment you feel inspired by. My thought is each and every member of your family will feel the same way.
This process is not meant to just de-clutter, it is meant to inspire. No matter your personal style, we can solve your most difficult design conundrum. The things you love displayed, your home organized and your mind is at ease.
We start with a conversation, set a plan and execute what works for you. After all, this is your home.
Trust, Communication, and Progress.